From the moment a baby first opens its eyes, it is learning. Sight and sensation spark off a learning process which will determine in large measure the sort of person it will become. language stands head and shoulders over all other tools as an instrument of learning. It is language that gives man his lead in intelligence over all other creatures. only man can language that gives man his lead in intelligence over all other creatures. Only man can stand off and contemplate his own situation. No other creature can assemble a list of ideas, consider them, draw conclusion and then explain his reasoning. Man can do all this because he possesses language.  And if thought depends on language, clearly the quality of an individual's thought will descend on that person's language-rudimentary or sophisticated, precise or approximated, stereotyped or original.

Thus, long before they can speak, children are involved in  a two ways process of communication which is steadily building a foundation on which there later use of language structures in their speech and reading will later fit-grammatical constructions,  tense sequences and so on. The forms of these structures will depend on the amount and  expressing ideas and defending opinions. They will know, long before they can contribute themselves that relationships are forged through this process of speaking and listening: that warmth and humor have a place in the process, as have all other human emotions. 

Since, Parents and children who share books share the same frame reference. Incidents in everyday life constantly remind one or the other of a situation, a character, an action, from a jointly enjoyed book, with all the generation of warmth and wellbeing that is attendant upon such sharing.



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